
Requests the valid Order Status definitions. Use the Provider property on an Account.

Controller: Trading
Topic: QueryOrderStatuses
Action: Publish
Permissions: None


Name Type Expect Description
Provider String Always The trading data provider to get Order Statuses for
Exchange String Optional The Exchange to get Order Statuses for


An unordered array of Order Status objects.

Order Status object

An Order Status is uniquely identified by both the Code and Exchange.

Name Type Expect Description
Code String Always The code identifying this Order Status.
Exchange String Optional The Exchange this Order Status is relevant to. If omitted, applies to Orders that have yet to be routed.
Allows String Always The allowed actions in this state. One or more of the following values, separated by commas:
None: No actions permitted.
Trade: The Order can potentially match in this state.
Amend: The Order is able to be amended.
Move: The order is able to be moved to another account.
Cancel: The Order is able to be cancelled.
All: The Order can amend, move, cancel, or match.
Reason String Always The reasons behind this state. One or more of the following values, separated by commas:
Unknown: The reason is unknown.
Normal: State is a normal part of the Order lifecycle.
Manual: State was initiated manually.
Abnormal: State is abnormal, indicating a fault or other issue.
Completed: State represents a completed Order.
Waiting: State is due to a temporary wait





   "Code":"OnMarket", "Exchange":"ASX",
   "Reason":"Normal", "Allows":"Amend,Cancel,Trade"
   "Code":"Suspended", "Exchange":"ASX",
   "Reason":"Abnormal", "Allows":"None"
   "Code":"PartialFill", "Exchange":"ASX",
   "Reason":"Normal", "Allows":"All"
   "Code":"Filled", "Exchange":"ASX",
   "Reason":"Normal,Completed", "Allows":"Move"